Acts 18:18-28
December 6, 2020
My testimony is like many others who grew up in the church. My parents ensured that we were an active part of a healthy church. Through the loving ministry of countless workers in the children’s ministry, the Lord saw fit to convict me of my sin and show me my desperate need for a savior. Since then, I have had times of wrestling with my sin and times of growth, but I am reminded daily that my salvation is not a work of my own, but a work of God.
Since saving me, God has placed many godly men and women in my life that have served as models in my parenting, marriage, and ministry. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful wife, Katie, and three children: Addie, Annabelle, and Jude. God has also graciously supplied me with a career that has made it possible to provide for my family while leaving room for my work as a Pastor. I’ve served this local body in various roles including as a teacher, deacon and now as a pastor for 20 years under multiple pastors and 2 separate churches. I love being a pastor and getting to be a part of people’s lives in their best times and their worst times. In my short time as a Pastor, I have seen new life come into the church, and I have seen dear saints called home. Every day is a reminder that God is alive and active in His church.
What I love most about Foundation is seeing so many people in different seasons of life brought together with a common goal: to know God and worship Him rightly. We are not a church that seeks to look like the world, but rather a church that seeks to look more like our savior. My hope for Foundation is that we will be a people that continually seeks after God’s will and actively seeks to be a part of it.
Blake McKamie, Pastor