Church Membership

Joining Foundation Baptist Church

Membership Process

Church membership is about submitting to one another and representing Jesus Christ together in the local church. The Bible teaches that membership in a local church is one of the most basic ways that Christians follow Jesus. The New Testament points us toward a clearly defined church membership for our building up, accountability, and encouragement in faith. Membership in our church is a step by step process enumerated below.

Step 1: Sign Up for the Explore Foundation Membership Class

The Foundation Baptist Church Membership Class is a commitment of two consecutive Sundays. It will give an overview of who we are and what we believe as a church.​ This is an ideal class for those who are new or those who have been attending and would like to become a member.
This class is required for membership.

Week 1
● Welcome and Introduction
● History of Foundation Baptist Church
● Why Membership?
● Membership Process
● Church Polity
Week 2
● Statement of Faith
● Membership Expectations and Commitment
● Q&A
● Membership Application
● Receive “I am a Church Member” book

You can sign up by emailing

Step 2: Foundation Membership Application

Complete and Return the Foundation Membership Application.

Membership Application

Step 3: Read the book "I am a Church Member"

You will receive this book during the membership class. There is no need to purchase it ahead of time.

Step 4: Complete Pastoral Interview

Reach out to a pastor to set up your pastoral interview.

To be prepared for the pastor interview, please consider the following:
● The major reasons you desire to join this Church Family
● Be prepared to define the Gospel and explain what is necessary for salvation.
● Briefly describe your salvation story and how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and
● Have you faithfully obeyed the LORD in baptism by immersion since you were saved by God’s
grace? When and where?
● What does it mean to be a member of a church according to God’s word?
● What is the LORD currently teaching you? How are you growing? What are you presently
reading in the Holy Scriptures? Are you reading any other books?
● Have you ever discipled anyone? Are you currently discipling anyone?
● Have you ever shared the good news of Jesus Christ with anyone? When was the last time that
this happened?
● What are your current struggles? How can we presently shepherd you?
● What are you looking for in a local Church? What are your expectations?
● What questions do you have about Foundation?
● Have you read the Foundation Baptist Church Confession of Faith? Do you agree with this
confession? Any concerns?
● Have you read the book “I am a Church Member” by Rainer? Thoughts/Questions
● Are you presently praying about where you should serve? Where do you feel gifted to serve?
Any ideas of where you would like to serve?

Step 5: Congregational Vote